Luca Csabai

I am a PhD student at Eötvös Loránd University in Budapest also working in the Korcsmaros group since my bachelor studies. I have been mainly involved in the group on the computational side with the development of group resources such as SignaLink and Autophagy Regulatory Network. During my PhD I aim to learn further bioinformatics and machine learning techniques that can be applied in biological research.
I finished my BSc in Biology and MSc in Bioinformatics at the Eötvös Loránd University with both of my theses focusing on autophagy regulation. In my PhD project I focus on investigating tissue specificity of autophagy regulation in the gut, focusing on its effect on cell-cell interactions. Combined with clinical data and machine learning techniques I aim to investigate the genetic profiles of IBD patients to potentially develop personalized therapeutic strategies.
Next to my interest in science I am also an avid baker and love to explore new places around the world.